Mens Meetings

Ten fortnightly men’s meetings

Participants will engage in ten fortnightly men’s meetings, which address the key issues and themes that contribute to resetting your life. Each meeting will run for two hours, and provide opportunities for men to share their experience, receive support, and offer support to the other men in the group.

Aims of the men’s meetings:

  • Continue your connection and community with the men from your residential

  • Realise that much of what impacts us is universal and that there are simple actions you can take to move through challenges

  • Get perspective on your life through sharing and hearing from other people

  • Be exposed to different perspectives to help challenge unhelpful thinking

  • Identify your blind spots and reflect on ways to manage them

  • Gain insights to a wider range of challenges that can help you connect more deeply with your loved ones.

Facilitated by Michael Vaccaro